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Monday 23 September 2013

Volunteering Trip Thailand 2012 - Day 3

22/01/2012 - Orientation Day

Orientation day was quite relaxed starting with french toast with honey and banana for breakfast at 8am. All 3 new volunteers then started our orientation which consisted of any thai traditions like the 'wai' or the fact that we need to take off our shoes upon entering a classroom or house or any room for that matter. Things like bowing your head when passing in front of someone older, things we needed to know as we would be dealing with local teachers and local students.

After that we were supposed to head for the town tour but everyone was still quite exhausted from the night before so we decided to take the rest of the morning easy then head to a beach in Trat.

The songthaew picked all of us up and we were off awtankhu bay in trat. This place had absolutely no tourists as it is a local haunt. It was beautiful and the water was nice and cool. But the afternoon was really about the food. Meaw went to the restaurant opposite the beach which served food  on the table provided on the beach and chose a couple of local dishes some spicier than others albeit all spicy and some local beer. Until we waited for the food we decided to head in for a swim.The food came and disappeared just as fast. It was incredible. 

After our good meal we just relaxed by the beach and headed in and out of the water not after trying some coconut milk ice cream with some sticky rice, which was quite good. Me and meaw ended up in splash fight with the local kids who were playing in the water.
At around 4.30pm we headed back to the dorm, next for the day was the sunday market in Trat. We got home showered and left for the market to find it quite underwhelming and Meaw explained to us that since it was Chinese New Year it wasn't as busy and there were  less stalls than normally.

Soon we were off home, grabbed some dinner and had an early night, the next morning we would be starting our volunteer work.


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