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Monday 23 September 2013

Volunteering Trip Thailand 2012 - Day 1

20/01/2012 -  Arrival

Malta to Dubai

The flight from Malta to Dubai started off a little bit rocky as we were delayed for an hour on the ground. Most of us who had connecting flights started to worry that we won't be able to make them in time, and I had a domestic flight to catch so that was another worry! After being stuck in the heat of the cabins we were all getting the antsy the pilot informs us that we have another 55 minute delay. This re-affirmed our thoughts that we were about to miss our flights and me and some other passengers started discussing other options. After a 10 minute brainstorming session the pilot informed us that things worked out in clearing airspace and we will be getting off the ground in 5 min. This showed all of us that we might have a chance to get to our respective locations on time. During all this chaos I came across two very interesting south africans who were in Malta on business, and we were discussing all kinds of subjects ranging from the culture differences between Malta and South Africa to the political situation of Malta. To cut things short, the 7 hour plane ride passed by like a breeze. Once I arrived in Dubai Airport these two kind gentlemen who had a later flight than I did, kindly showed me around the airport to get to my gate as fast as possible since my flight was about to board! Thanks to them, and the comfortable shoes  was wearing while running through the airport I got there on time and boarded on the next part.

The flight from Dubai to Bangkok was quite uneventful, I met two Tanzanians who were very shy so we only exchanged a few words but they were definitely interesting people. The rest of the 5.5 hour flight was spent attempting to sleep - unsuccessfully, and watching one movie after another! Needless to say that when I arrived in Bangkok airport I was knackered. I had a 4 hour waiting time for my next flight. Once my gate opened I checked in my luggage and was told I can stay in the Bangkok air boutique lounge while I waited for boarding. This was a welcomed treat. Once I found my way there and took a seat, I started talking with a couple opposite from me which after 20 minutes of talking to them I discovered they were from Malta.What are the odds!! After about an hour they left and two American guys and one from the UK took their seats. The 2 americans were hilarious with their bickering, I couldn't help but smile which promoted the british guy to say "they the stereotypical american don't they?" and from there on we started talking until I had to leave for my flight.
The flight from Bangkok to Trat was quite short (1hr) considering the other flights but by this time I was completely exhausted! The bangkok air plane was quite small and from the outside it was adorned with toy fish which I found particularly unique. I arrived in Trat to find the co-ordinator and one other volunteer waiting for me there. The airport in Trat is very small. The baggage claim consists of a truck dumping the luggages on the platform just after landing and you take your own and leave. Well I found mine and went to meet them where we had my first Songthaew ride.

Once we got to the house we are staying in I was jet-lagged and exhausted. It was 7pm in Trat and I was told to get ready so we could go out to dinner. Me and another volunteer along with some of Meaw's (our coordinator) friends went to a korean BBQ which I surprisingly loved. Finally after a long 2 days I was headed for bed.

Culture Shock

I was expecting the culture to really hit me when I got in Trat but I never expected it to be as bad as it was. While attempting to sleep on the first day I was regretting the whole thing as panic consumed me! I was in an area where no one spoke my language, very few people lived in good conditions which I thought led to the people being miserable.

Basically, I was wrong.

I have never in my life seen people who have so little yet they have something very few of us have. The ability to be happy and Smile and really appreciate what they have.


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